Learning is hard..it’s supposed to be! As learners continue to grow and learn, we guide them to continue building their academic mindsets, self awareness, and social and emotional competencies so that they have the self-efficacy, agency and resilience to thrive in and beyond their years at Jackson Avenue Elementary School.

All learners should be able to (at their developmental level) reflect on their own values, skills, and interests, and compare those with others; reflect on strategies for overcoming challenges (academic and behavioral) such as using “size of the problem,” understanding emotions, and applying cool-down strategies. The learners set personal and class goals using SELweb data and CASEL competencies and identify strategies for working towards this goal.

Self-Regulation Series

I am a learner. I can identify and manage my emotions.

Additional Resources

Themes / Essential Questions


SELweb - Two times a year learners take a digital assessment to provide data to teachers regarding their current SEL strengths and needs based on the CASEL standards.

Badge Books

  • Learner Interviews

  • Growth Mindset Behaviors that Promote Learning

Theme: Communication

EQ: How can communication create connection? 

Theme: Self Management

EQ: Why is it important to understand different perspectives?

Theme: Curiosity and Problem Solving

EQ: “What if…?” & “How might we…?”

Common Language

For Teachers

Jackson Brave Look-fors

Brave Bucks: Tier 1 positive behavior support plan based on Look Fors

Size of the Problem and Mood Meter